On 2nd to 6th April 2012 two senior analysts from the Drug Control Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (DCA) were sent by the UNODC country office in Tajikistan to Kabul Afghanistan. The purpose was to provide criminal intelligence analysis training addressed to the Criminal Justice Task Force and to the Counter Narcotic Police Afghanistan. 18 Afghan Intelligence officers attended the training.

UNODC Tajikistan organized the event under the frame of project F23, an Intelligence Led Policing project covering Central Asian countries, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. Since 2007 the project has systematically trained officers at counter narcotic agencies to become professional analysts, the DCA included.

The DCA Analytical Center has reached an analysis level equivalent to many of their European counterparts. Some of the DCA analysts now possess a capacity to provide training themselves. The Kabul training was the first in its kind in regard to use regional trainers under contract of the UNODC. It is a matter of self sustainability having this region less dependant on international (costly) training expertise.

The Government of Canada is funding project F23’s Afghanistan activities and is providing essential support in order for the project being able to implement modern analysis methodologies.