The autumn conscription in Tajikistan starts in October-November, and men who have reached the age of 18, as well as older citizens (born in 1997-2006) who are not eligible for postponement or exemption from military service, are called up to serve.

They will serve in the border troops of the National Security Committee, the National Guard, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the civil defense troops of the Emergency Situations Ministry, the convoy brigade of the Main Directorate for the Execution of Criminal punishment of the Ministry of Justice, the agrarian battalion of the Agency for the Provision of Special Property under the Government of the republic.

This is stated in the decree signed by the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon on August 27.

During the same period, military personnel who have served the established terms of military service will be discharged from the ranks of the country's Armed Forces.

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic, the chairmen of the draft commissions of the GBAO, regions, Dushanbe, cities and districts with the participation of representatives of security and internal affairs agencies have been instructed to carry out conscription to the Border Guard, National Guard and special forces units through careful selection of recruits, taking into account the specifics of service in these units and their recruitment as a matter of priority.

The Ministry of Health of the country is responsible for mobilizing experienced doctors and specialists for the control medical examination of conscripts.

And the Ministry of Culture, the Committee on Youth and Sports, the Committee on TV and Radio should cover the process of organizing and conducting conscription of citizens for military service and promote service as a sacred duty of every citizen of Tajikistan.

Recall that the previous spring draft (from April 1 to May 31) was completed 100% ahead of schedule – on May 22, the Ministry of Defense announced its implementation.

At the same time, it was noted that "due to the large number of volunteers, especially young people with higher education, who want to join the Armed Forces, the spring draft this year is considered successful."

According to the amendments to the law "On Universal Military Duty and Military Service" of 2021, people of military age may not serve in the army for the traditional two years, but instead undergo military service as part of the mobilization conscription reserve. After paying a certain amount, the conscript undergoes monthly military training, after which he is released from compulsory military service.

However, everyone will not be able to get to the monthly fees provided for reservists at once. The military commissariats of each region or district set a quota for a certain number of people who can complete accelerated military service as part of the mobilization conscription reserve annually. To get a quota, you need to apply to the military commissariat, or rather to the draft commission at your place of residence with an application.

The Ministry of Defense does not name the number of quotas allocated during the conscription period, but publishes data after the service.

Since September 1 last year, the cost of such a service has increased from 30 thousand somoni (420 indicators for calculations) to 54 thousand somoni (750 indicators).

According to the Ministry of Defense, from 2021 to August 2023, at the expense of 4,150 young people who completed paid military service, the special budget of this department received 113.3 million somoni.

Earlier it was reported that these funds will be used for logistical, food, fuel, ammunition, construction of individual military units, creation of logistical bases, construction and repair of military buildings and structures, salaries of officers and instructors, etc.

However, it has now become known that these funds will be used to restore airports that have been transferred to the balance of the Ministry of Defense.