As a result of investigative operations and witness testimony, it has been established that a family from Tajikistan, who sold a Renault Symbol car to the participants of the attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue, was aware of the planned terrorist attack. This information is reportedly contained in the case materials reviewed by TASS.

According to the case files, evidence has been presented to the court indicating the possible involvement of Aminjon Islomov, Dilovar Islomov, Isroil Islomov, and Alisher Kasimov in the alleged crimes.  This evidence was reportedly collected based on witness statements, victim testimonies, and the results of searches and inspections.

The investigation claims that the Islomov family sold the vehicle to the perpetrators of the attack, and Alisher Kasimov provided them with an apartment for hiding.

The accused include Dilovar and Aminjon Islomov, as well as their father Isroil Islomov, all of whom are originally from Tajikistan.

According to the report, one of the brothers owned the Renault Symbol, which the attackers used in an attempt to flee after the terrorist act. All the accused have denied their guilt, including Alisher Kasimov, who is national of Kyrgyzstan.

TASS reports that the lawyers for the Islomov family stated in court that their clients voluntarily turned themselves in to law enforcement after seeing their former car in news reports and provided testimony regarding the sale of the vehicle.

Meanwhile, the parents of one of the case's defendants, Daler Mirzoyev, have complained that they have been unable ty obtain any information about their son for six months. The district police in Tajikistan have not responded to their inquiries.

"Since it happened, we haven’t spoken to him, and we don’t know what’s happening with him now," said Gulrakat Mirzoyeva, Daler’s mother.

Recall, Isroil Islomov and his sons Aminjon and Dilovar as well as Kyrgyz national Alisher Kasimov were arrested in late March on suspicion of aiding the suspects who are accused of carrying out the deadly attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue.

Kyrgyz national Alisher Kasimov is accused of renting out the apartment to other defendants.

Dilovar Islomov is believed to be the last owner of Renault that the attackers allegedly used to flee. 

Both Islomov brothers are Russian citizens; they lived in Tver and worked as cab drivers. 

Their father, Isroil Islomov, is the national of Tajikistan and had a residence permit in Russia. 

The terrorist attack was carried out at the Crocus City Hall concert venue in Krasnogorsk, Moscow oblast on March 22.  The attack began at around 20:00 MSK, shortly before the Russian band Picnic was scheduled to play a sold-out show at the venue.  Four gunmen carried out a mass shooting, as well as slashing attacks on the people gathered at the venue, and used incendiary devices to set the venue on fire.  Investigators said the attack had killed 144 people (including those who died later in hospital), and more than 551 concertgoers were injured by gunshot wounds and fire-related injuries. 

On the morning of March 23, four suspects were arrested in Russia's Bryansk region: Dalerjon Mirzoyev, Saidakram Rajabalizoda, Faridoun Shamsiddin, and Muhammadsobir Faizov.

Later, seven more alleged accomplices were detained, including Aminjon and Dilovar Islomov, their father Isroil Islomov, as well as Alisher Kasimov, Lutfulloi Nazirmad, Yoqubjon Yusufzoda, and Muhammad Sharifzoda.

In total, according to FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, over 20 people connected to the attack have been arrested; most of them are from Tajikistan.