KHUJAND, November 28, 2011, Asia-Plus -- Residents of the northern city of Taboshar have begun to fence the nearby tailing dump.

The Taboshar residents began to fence the so-called “acid lake” and to clear the Sarimsakli River on November 25.  The fence is expected to be finished within the next few weeks.

Ishoqjon Zokirov, the head of the NGO Amaliyot baroi Hayot (Action fro Life), they have changed the course of the Sarimsakli River after the radiation level in the river was measured at more than 140 microroentgen per hour that exceeds the acceptable norm.

All the works are carried out under support of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan and the Committee for Emergency Situations (CES)’s office in Sughd province.

The works are carried out in a form of “hasher” (Central Asia’s tradition of voluntary work to benefit the community), Zokirov said.

A roundtable entitled “Water Sanitary in the Aspect of Radiation Threat in Taboshar” was held on November 25 as well.

Organized by the Taboshar mayor’s office, the Sughd emergency management agency and local environmental protection NGOs under financial support of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan and the Act Central Asia, the meeting discussed issues related to water sanitary and radiation safety awareness.  The meeting participants also exchanged views on improving safety of water sources in Taboshar.