The President of Tajikistan issued an edict on the establishment of the State institution "the State Symphony Orchestra". In the future the orchestra will be performing at the meetings of the dignitaries of Tajikistan.

In the edict President gives three months to the Executive office of the President to solve institutional and legal issues in the creation of this orchestra, which after the establishment will be in the structure of the Executive office of the President.

As reported Tajik composer Amirbek Musoev, each country has its own national Symphony orchestra, but there was no one in Tajikistan.

"Yesterday, 22 August, was approved the composition of the orchestra. Now the national Symphony orchestra will meet all the dignitaries of Tajikistan and execute their own program," said Musoev.

Overall, the orchestra will create 100 work units; however, currently there are only 75 people – the students and graduates of music schools and Tajik conservatory named after Talabsho Sattorov. However the director and conductor of the orchestra are still not appointed.

Musoev announced that on the 8 th of September in "Kohi Borbad" will be the first performance of the new Symphony orchestra and Daler Tilloev, who works at the Conservatory and in the Theatre of opera and ballet named after Sadriddin Aini., will lead the orchestra.

The composer recalled that during the Soviet Union Tajikistan there were two Symphony orchestras of the State Philharmonic. However, during the civil war most of the musicians left the Republic. Now in Tajikistan there is only one Symphony orchestra, that operates at the State academic theatre of Opera and ballet, which consists of 50 musicians.