The Interior Ministry has paid 10,000 somoni (TJS) in moral compensation to the 37-year-old resident of the northern city of Panjakent, Farhod Ghoibov, who suffered repeated beatings by two police officers and lost a kidney in September 2015.
According to the Civil Society Coalition against Torture in Tajikistan, Farhod Ghoibov was taken to police station in September 2015 following quarrel with a distant relative of a district police inspector. Two police officers severely beat him and he was taken from police station to a hospital, where doctor were forced to remove his right kidney that had been torn, says the Civil Society Coalition against Torture in Tajikistan.
The two police officers who severely beat Farhod Ghoibov were found guilty of intentionally inflicting grievous bodily harm and abusing power and were sentenced to five year in prison each in 2016.
The Interior Ministry has paid only 10,000 somoni (equivalent to little more than 1,000 U.S dollars) in moral compensation to Farhod Ghoibov,