The Agency for Social Insurance and Pensions (ASIP) launched their new Data Base Management System (DBMS) that will automatically record program contributions, calculate benefits and quickly tell workers and other claimants about the disposition of their applications based on their insured periods.

According to the European Union Delegation to Tajikistan, the new automated system will share data and information through a centralized database with other Government of Tajikistan computerized record-keeping systems.  The development of the system was a joint effort between the Agency and the EU-financed Project, Technical Assistance to Support Pension Reform in Tajikistan.

Two Agency pilot district offices, the city of Hisor and the district of Varzob, have received the new software, have been trained on the automated systems and are connected to the centralized data bases of the ASIP Headquarters, the Reporting System and the Single Window of the Tax Committee.

Employers from the two districts also will be trained on how to use the new automated forms to report social taxes and employee contributions to individual accounts on a monthly basis.  The automated system has been in development for one and a half years.

A joint Agency and Project IT working group has been mapping the administrative procedures that are necessary to process contribution and benefit payments as well as to take workers’ claims for benefits, calculate, approve, and order benefit payments and keep digital records on each individual worker and pensioner.

In addition to the software development, the Agency and Project have begun the process of cleaning and migrating the data and information from the legacy paper and electronic records to the new automated record-keeping and claims processing system.  The initial effort has taken approximately 5 months from June until the end of October 2018.  The migration team was able to transfer data of 1,626 employers and 800,000 personal accounts in Hisor and 441 employers and 192,000 personal accounts in Varzob.

There are 75,000 employers in total contributing to the social insurance system throughout Tajikistan.