JICA on February 26 conducted a roundtable to present its new Country Analysis Paper (JCAP) and discuss issues related to strengthening program and systematic approach in project formulation and implementation.
According to JICA Tajikistan, the event was attended by the representatives of the governmental organizations, including the deputy ministers, deputy heads of agencies, heads of department and chief specialists.
Mr. Tojiddin Jourazoda, the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, emphasized JICA’s contribution not only to infrastructure development, but also to human resources development of the government of Tajikistan.
Mr. Hajime Kitaoka highly evaluated the event stating that it was an important occasion for JICA and the Government of Tajikistan in addressing Tajikistan’s development issues.
As one of the key development partners of Tajikistan, JICA presented its newly adopted JCAP which is in line with the National Development Strategy of Tajikistan for the period of 2016-2030.
While presenting the new Country Analysis paper, Mr. Tanabe mentioned that JICA would support job creation and regional stabilization by starting new development issues: (i) improving business environment for promoting employment and (ii) improving regional stabilization, including governance. In addition to newly added directions of cooperation, JICA will continue supporting transport and logistics, water supply, energy, health and agriculture sectors.
With the purpose to enhance program approach, JICA also presented its existing cooperation schemes and called for counterpart agencies’ cooperation to enhance prior consultation and discussions which would be important for ensuring successful cooperation. It was emphasized that once jointly utilized, JICA schemes (Grant aid, Technical Cooperation, Volunteer Program, etc.) can have more synergetic impact in addressing development issues.
One of the unique schemes of JICA is Knowledge Co-creation Program (KCCP). During the meeting, JICA provided detailed information on challenges and opportunities, as well as procedures of KCCP.
During discussions, many issues were raised, including a proposal to support tourism sector in Tajikistan. JICA expressed to seek opportunities to support tourism as a cross-cutting issue.
At the end of the meeting, it was mentioned that more interaction and collaboration was important for JICA and the governmental agencies of Tajikistan to develop comprehensive approaches to addressing development issues through the support from the people of Japan to the people of Tajikistan. To this end, JICA will continue discussing and applying mentioned approaches to project formulation and implementation with the Government of Tajikistan and related ministries and agencies.
JICA began its technical cooperation with Tajikistan in 1993 by inviting Tajik officials to gain knowledge and experience on governance and macroeconomics development. As of January 2018, a total number of participants to JICA’s Knowledge Co-Creation Programs, formerly called the Training Programs, has exceeded 2200 people. JICA Office was established in 2006 in Tajikistan and since then various Grant Financial Assistance and Technical Cooperation projects have been implemented more dynamically, aiming at improving living standard of Tajik people for the sectors such as agriculture and rural development, water supply, health, transport, energy, capacity building as well as SME promotion. JICA’s cumulative investment portfolio in Tajikistan in all sectors comprises 35 projects amounting to more than 349.6 million USD (82 million USD for Technical Cooperation and 267.6 million USD for Grant Assistance), including 11 on-going projects.