A statement by the Shuroi Ulema (Council of Ulema -- an Islamic council that issues fatwas (religious rulings) and religious guidance to Islamic religious organizations) that has been posted on the Islamic Center’s website says the military service evasion is a grave sin.
The statement notes that those helping conscripts evade military service are also sinners.
“Those who love their Homeland must be devoted to their Homeland, people and culture. Love for Homeland, defense of Homeland, protection of territorial integrity, security and stability as well as respect for the national cultural and values are the duties of each Muslim,” says the statement.
The spring conscription campaign is carried out from April 1 through May, and the draft affects able-bodied male citizens in the age bracket of 18 years old to 27 years old who are not members of the armed forces reserve.
Tajikistan has reportedly reached 36 percent of the spring conscription campaign target by April 11.
In the territorial cross section the percentage the target reached was: GBAO – 106 percent; Khatlon province – 32 percent; Sughd province – 35 percent; districts subordinate to the center (RRPs) – 36 percent; and Dushanbe – 36 percent.