Relatives of a 61-year-old resident of Jabbor-Rasoulov district, Habibullo Shodiyev, who died of pneumonia, totaling 18 people, including 9 children, have been released from quarantine
Shodiyev’s son, Utkir Habibullozoda, says all of them feel fine.
“Six people were released on April 19 and the remaining 12 members of our family were released on April 20,” Utkir told Asia-Plus in an interview.
Meanwhile, the Sughd Directorate for Health and Social Protection of the Population says all people who contacted with Habibullo Shodiyev have been released from quarantine.
“In all, 575 people have been released from quarantine. All of the are residents of the Jabbor-Rasoulov district and medical workers who had contacted with him,” an official source within the Sughd Directorate for Health and Social Protection of the Population told Asia-Plus in an interview.
He further added that medical workers and persons having fever still remained in quarantine at the Khujand infectious diseases hospital. “They will stay in quarantine for one more week,” the source told Asia-Plus on Monday, April 20.
Recall, a 61-year-old resident of the Jabbor-Rasoulov district (Sughd province), Habibullo Shodiyev, died on April 5. Health officials informed the family of the deceased that he had been diagnosed with pneumonia.
This death might have gone mostly unnoticed if some media had not reported that the central district hospital in the Jabbor-Rasoulov district hospital, where the man had undergone treatment, was placed under quarantine after his passing.
“It was just a suspicion, and therefore, we have isolated medical workers of the central hospital in the Jabbor-Rasoulov district, where Habibullo Shodiyev had undergone treatment, as well as his relatives and people who had contacted with him just as a precaution. The first test results were negative,” Marouf Hojiboyev, the first deputy head of the Sughd Directorate for Health and Social Protection of the Population, told Asia-Plus at that time.
According to data from the Sughd Directorate for Health and Social Protection of the Population, 800 people are currently staying in quarantine in the Sughd province.