In Tajikistan the Enhancing Primary Health Care Services Project (Project Sino) expressed its solidarity and provided support to healthcare workers in the course of responding to the outbreak of pneumonia cause by the Novel Coronavirus Infection.
Spring was marked by unforeseen challenges for the healthcare system of Tajikistan as well. In an emergency situation such as outbreak of Novel Coronavirus, healthcare workers were among the most vulnerable, and as of now continue to stand on the first lines of fight against COVID-19.

Acute deficit of protective gowns, goggles and other personal protective equipment (PPE) was reportedly tangible already at the very beginning of the outbreak of disease in Tajikistan. These items are vital to protect healthcare workers from potential infections during the contact with patients.

The Government of Tajikistan, with the purpose of controlling transmission of the Novel Coronavirus, has implemented and continues implementing comprehensive measures in response to such growing threat to the health of population, to ensure resources to combat transmission of Coronavirus Infection and treatment of patients. This problem allowed nobody to stay indifferent, and local non-governmental organizations and international development partners actively joined in helping the healthcare system.

One of the international partners responding to the existing emergency situation in the country related to the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus is the Project Sino.
Under financial support by the SDC, the Project responded to urgent requests and procured 3000 protective coveralls, 2,000 medical hats, 2,000 shoe covers, 5,000medical masks, and 1,000 respirator masks, 100 boxes of disposable gloves and 500 pairs of disposable surgical gloves, 100 bottles of antiseptic solutions and 1,000 airtight googles.

All of the aforementioned equipment and supplies were delivered by the Project’s staff to healthcare facilities in the Vose and Hamadoni Districts, Kulob City (Medical College), Istravshan, Panjakent, Konibodom, Tursunzoda Cities and Roudaki District, as well as to health facilities of republican level, including the Republican Healthy Lifestyle Centers, Institute of Postgraduate Education in Healthcare Sector of RT, and the Republican Tropical Diseases Control Center.

The Project maintains close cooperation and collaboration with the Republican Healthy Lifestyle Center and contributes to the work with communities and raising awareness of population on prevention of COVID-19. Together with the staff of PHC network facilities, healthy lifestyle centers, community health teams in pilot districts of the project carry out promotion activities among population on strengthening preventive measures, i.e. to convey correct messages about personal and public hygiene and social distancing and dispel panic and rumors.

This project is financed by the Swiss Agency of Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) through its Representative Office in the Republic of Tajikistan (in city of Dushanbe). The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is the technical authority of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation. SDC is responsible for the overall coordination of activities in developing countries and countries of Eastern Europe. Within its Cooperation Strategy for 2017-2021 such as a) Water, Infrastructure and Climate Change; b) Health; c) Governance, Institutions and Decentralization; d) Employment and Economic Development. The overall goal of the Swiss Cooperation in Tajikistan is peace and social cohesion as well as responsive and inclusive institutions and sustainable development improve the population’s well-being.
Since 2003, the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Basel) contributes in development of healthcare sector of Tajikistan through implementation of projects focused on supporting reforms in health sector and family medicine (name of previous phases of project) / Strengthening the Primary Health Care (since 2003 till present), as well as on providing support to the medical education reforms (2009 – 2019) financed by the Swiss Agency of Development and Cooperation.
The main goal of the Project Sino is to promote development of healthcare system, improving health of population in remote cities and districts, as well as in rural areas.
This project is characterized by the effective cooperation and collaboration with all its national partners, and joint planning of annual activities, and implementation of various activities.