Information about mass shooting of stray dogs in Bokhtar, the capital of Khatlon province, has appeared on social media. People have condemned violent acts of local utility employees.
The head of the Bokhtar Khojagii Kommunali (municipal company for public utilities), Zafar Ghiyosov, has confirmed that local utility employees have been shooting stray dogs. “We shoot stray dogs for public safety,” he said.
“We have no choice. We have received a lot of complaints from citizens through the city administration and local police about stray dog attacks on people, including children,” Ghiyosov said.
According to him, these operations are carried out with the permission of the city authorities and local police.
The Bokhtar Khojagii Kommunali head also noted that most of the destroyed dogs had various diseases - from rabies to scabies.
“By law, we must capture and take them to a shelter for stray animals. But unfortunately, Bokhtar does not have such shelters. The reconstruction of the central city landfill is currently underway in the framework of one of investment projects, and a shelter for stray animals is expected to be built there,” Ghiyosov added.