One of the priorities and important directions of the programs of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in Tajikistan and its agencies is the protection of environment.
AKDN Office in Tajikistan notes that on this basis, the implementation of initiatives to improve the environment is at the heart of the organization.
This year, over 100 employees of the AKDN reportedly organized a tree planting campaign in Kuli Javonon Park, Dushanbe’s Sino District.
In this event, six types of trees, 200 shrubs were planted, including local pine (75 pcs), black cypress (30 pcs), white cypress (30 pcs), juniper (35 pcs), plane tree (5 pcs) and majnunbed (weeping willow -- 25 pcs).
This initiative is the AKDN's contribution to the Greening Dushanbe program and other constructive initiatives of the Government of the country to protect and improve the environment.
AKDN and its agencies focus on empowering and improving the lives of people in developing countries. AKDN programs are aimed at the well-being of all people, regardless of race, nationality or religion.