Tajik authorities plan to relocate more than 900 families from mountain areas to plains within the next three years,
The government has adopted a resolution on the procedure of internal migration of the population from land-poor and densely populated mountainous areas to plains having fallow lands in 2022-2024.
The resolution, posted on the official website of the Ministry of Justice, says the relocation is aimed at solving demographic problems.
The decision to relocate people from mountain areas to plains is justified by the creation of new modern settlements and creation of new jobs in plains.
In accordance with the agreed plan, 904 families will be relocated within the next three years: 300 families will be relocated in 2022, 303 families will be relocated in 2023 and 301other families will be relocated in 2024.
Most of them – 552 families from 11 mountains districts -- will be relocated to the southern province of Khatlon. In Khatlon province, persons subject to resettlement will be relocated to Khuroson and Nosir-Khusrav districts.
Thus, 90 families from the northern districts of Isfara and Kuhistoni Mastchoh (Sughd province) and 50 families from Darvoz and Ishkashim district of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) will be relocated to Khuroson district.
212 families from Rasht and Tojikobod districts (Rasht Valley in eastern Tajikistan) will be relocated to Khuroson and Nosir-Khusrav district as well as to Faizobod district (Hisor Valley).
The remaining 35 families will be relocated to the areas subordinate to the city of Tursunzoda (the western part of Tajikistan)
The Tajik government has launched the program of relocating families from undeveloped mountain areas to more developed districts that have better infrastructure in the early 2000s.
The families have will relocated voluntarily and will get land and money to build new houses once they arrive in their new districts.
The families have relocated voluntarily and got land and money to build new houses once they arrive in their new districts.