The EU Integrated Rural Development Project/ TRIGGER is supporting the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) to streamline the system and build the capacity of department heads and key professionals. As part of this initiative, a four-day training session was conducted for high-level managers. The training was aimed at providing the tools and basics of business process management and allowed representatives of the Ministry’s management to get acquainted with modern methods of process-oriented management. This will allow the heads of departments to maximize productivity and achieve real and visible results.

In addition to the above topics, the heads of departments of the Ministry of Agriculture acquired the skills to identify and formalize the processes of the Ministry's activities for further analysis and development of information systems.

The project will continue to provide maximum support to the Ministry of Agriculture and build its capacity to improve the living standards and resilience of the rural population in some regions of Tajikistan.

Integrated Rural Development Project/ GIZ “Towards Rural Inclusive Growth and Economic Resilience (TRIGGER)” is a joint project of the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) implemented by GIZ, to boost the added value of agricultural production in Tajikistan. For further details, please contact Sharofat Ashurova at , telephone number +992 987270046.