The Ministry of Education and Science of Tajikistan has extended the winter holidays again, this time through to January 20.
Recall, the Ministry of education and Science issues an order on January 10 extending the winter holidays through to January 16 due to cold snap.
The order, in particular, noted that classes in preschool institutions and schools will start on January 16 and the missed classes will be held in the second half of the 2022-2023 academic year at the expense of spring and summer holidays.
The educational officials said the closure was to avoid an overly sharp increase in children coming down with colds.
At the same time, education directorates of Dushanbe, the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), Sughd and Khatlon provinces as well cities and districts subordinate to the center were instructed to take adequate measures to ensure school students’ going on holidays.
Meanwhile it is to be noted that many households across the country are also enduring home heating problems

According to data from the Hydrometeorology Agency of Tajikistan, during the period from January 16 to January 18, nighttime temperatures in plains are expected to fluctuate from -12ºC to -17ºC, and in mountain areas, nighttime temperatures are expected to fluctuate from -22ºC to -27ºC. Daytime temperatures are expected to be from -8ºC to -13º in plains and from -10ºC to -15º in mountain areas.