Representatives of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) authorities have walked around the bazaar and stores in GBAO’s capital, Khorog, in order to identify facts of violation of the language law in the names of retail outlets and catering outlets.

Nigini Khorough weekly, a mouthpiece of the Khorog Administration, notes that raids conducted by members of a working group allegedly revealed that names of some retail outlets and catering outlets do not comply with the requirements and provisions of the abovementioned law.  

The owners of these outlets were reportedly notified of violations and some of them “have already corrected the shortcomings.” 

The raids to identify the facts of violation of the language law are reportedly under way in the region.  

The weekly, however, did not clarify what kinds of violation had been revealed in the names of retail outlets and catering outlets in Khorog.

The majority of the population of Tajikistan’s GBAO speaks the Pamirian languages.  Members of the Pamirian language area in GBAO include three reliable groups: a Shughni-Yazgulyam group including Shughni, Rushani, and Yazgulyam; Ishkashimi; and Wakhi.  

Meanwhile, the facts of violation of the language law have also been revealed in Dushanbe, Khujand and Bokhtar.