On Monday May 13, Qozidavlat Qoimdodov, Resident Representative of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in Tajikistan, took part at the Launch of the Tajikistan’s Prioritized Action Plan in the field of health for 2024-2026 in the framework of the International Human Capital Forum Tajikistan 2024, says press release issued by the AKDN office in Tajikistan.

In his remarks, Mr. Qoimdodov reportedly noted that healthcare is one of the priority areas for AKDN and through the activities of the Aga Khan Agency for Health Services (AKHS), the organization has implemented numerous projects.

Over the past five years, about 10 million US dollars have been mobilized in this area, where 50% are internal funds allocated for the implementation of various projects and programs.  

In particular, it was emphasized that there is a need for international organizations to develop action plans and strategies that are consistent with national priorities and policies.  This will make it possible to purposefully and effectively distribute allocated funds and achieve sustainable results in the implementation of development programs.  Healthcare is an important condition for the promotion of human capital, and AKDN will continue to contribute to the development of this area.

Currently, when developing national programs, it is also necessary to consider contemporary challenges, such as climate change, which have a negative impact on human life.