Roundtable on addressing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV): successes, challenges and coordination efforts took place at Hilton Hotel in Dushanbe on July 31. 

Speaking at the event, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to Tajikistan, Mrs. Elsa Pignol, noted that sport is one of the most powerful platforms for promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls.

“As such, this is a fantastic tool, probably very much underutilized, to fight against all forms of discriminations and violence women of all countries still face around the world.  As the biggest and most visible sports gathering organized on a regular basis, the Olympic Games, which, this year, is being watched by 4 billion people, meaning half of the population of the world, is a unique opportunity to promote the role of sports for improving the situation of women in the world.

“I am extremely proud today to stress that, on the occasion of the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic games, a crucial step has been taken. More than a century after women first competed at the Olympic Games, 2024 Paris Olympic Games will achieve full gender equality.

“Achieving this goal took strength, perseverance, leadership and courage and comes as a result of the joint and intense work of the International Olympic Committee and all the national committees around the world. It has been a long and difficult path : for the record, in 1900, for their first participation in the Olympic Games, only 22 women competed out of nearly 1000 athletes and were represented in only 5 sports. Female participation as increased steadily since then, with women accounting for more than 48% in 2020 Olympic games (Tokyo), 23% in 1984 (LA) and just over 13% in 1964 (Tokyo). At the same time, the number of disciplines open to women has gradually expanded, thanks to the fight of courageous women, such as the French athlete Alice Milliat. It should be remembered that at the time, many sports were considered contrary to the decency to be observed by women or even their obligation of fertility. Let us remember that the marathon race was only open to women at the Olympic Games held in 1984!

“The photo exhibition that the French Embassy, jointly with our partners of UN Women in Tajikistan, is glad to present to you today, is all about this question: how sport can and should be used to break down gender barriers ? How can sport can used to lift gender-related clichés? How can sport be used to empower women and eradicate degrading practices such as domestic violence?

“Dear guests, the Olympic games give women a chance to progress in the implementation of the whole range of their rights, in Tajikistan and elsewhere. They also give us an opportunity to dismantle the clichés about the capacity of women to achieve the same goals than their male counterparts. Let’s use these Olympic Games to put women’s rights in the center of the arena.

“Enjoy the exhibition! Thank you for your attention.”