On August 16, the Ehei Mainaviyat Private Gymnasium received accreditation from the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor). This means that studies there will be conducted according to Russian standards, and graduates will be given Russian state-issued certificates as a result. We found out how and under what conditions Ehei Manaviyat accepts students.

The Ehei Mainaviyat Gymnasium was opened in August 2020, and now has 300 students. The training takes place in Russian according to textbooks of the Federal State Educational Standard of Russia.

As the deputy director for academic Affairs, Umeda Ismatova, told Asia-Plus, admission to the gymnasium is carried out by testing and passing written, control papers.

The passing score is 30 out of 50 points.

The test includes assignments in two main subjects: Russian and mathematics (algebra). Students from grades 3 to 9 take the test. Admission to the 10th grade is after passing the entrance examination in Russian and algebra.

Grades 1 and 2 are accepted after the interview.

What should a child be able to do in order to enter the 1st grade?

Speak Russian fluently, have an elementary understanding of the environment, distinguish between living and inanimate nature, know the basic colors and shades, be able to cut shapes along lines, select words for a given sound, compose related speech about yourself and your family, etc.

In addition to the main subjects in the curriculum, the gymnasium organizes additional lessons in foreign languages (German and English), exact sciences (physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry), creative and sports clubs (karate-do, chess) and more.

"To develop the individual qualities of each student, the gymnasium organizes various clubs and conducts large-scale creative contests and events: the readers' competition "Revival of Classical Poetry", the readers' competition of the works of Shakhnoza Mubini, the KMN talent competition, the song and music competition "Golden Microphone", a three-day mass entertainment, creative marathon in the Shokhin camp", - adds Umeda Ismatova.

The tuition costs 1080 somoni per month, there is a delivery service.

And the maximum number of students in a class is 22.