Authorities intend to tighten control over parents who fail to fulfill their duties in raising children.  In case of violations of the law, there is a possibility of removing the child from the family and placing them in specialized institutions. This is being warned by the Dushanbe Main Police Department.

Sources note that efforts will be intensified to prevent crimes among minors. Parents who do not pay adequate attention to raising their children may face measures prescribed by law, including the removal of the child and placement in specialized educational institutions.

One such case involved a 15-year-old named U., who was sent by a court in Dushanbe’s Sino district to the Dushanbe-based Special Vocational Technical Lyceum.

According to the source, the teenager had been repeatedly detained for theft, begging, and vagrancy, and an investigation revealed that his mother, Manzoura S., had neglected her parental duties and effectively forced her son to beg for money.

Due to the lack of parental control, the teenager led an antisocial lifestyle, spending most of his time on the street, committing crimes, and being exposed to negative influences.

Taking into account the circumstances of the case and based on Article 73 of the Family Code of Tajikistan, which allows for the removal of a child without depriving the parents of their parental rights, the court ruled to send him to a specialized educational institution.

“At the lyceum, the teenager will receive proper upbringing and vocational training, which will allow him to acquire new skills and change his lifestyle for the better,” the Dushanbe Main Police Department stated.


Tajikistan updates law on child rearing

It is worth noting that in 2024, significant changes were made to the legislation in Tajikistan aimed at strengthening responsibility for the education and upbringing of children.  In June, the law previously known as "On the Responsibility of Parents for the Education and Upbringing of Children" was updated and is now titled "On the Responsibility for the Education and Upbringing of Children."  These changes emphasize that the responsibility for raising children rests not only on parents but also on educators, educational institutions, and state authorities.

The new version of the law includes additional provisions aimed at combating extremism, violence, and discrimination against children.  Special attention is given to protecting the rights of children with special needs and those in socially disadvantaged conditions.

Furthermore, the law prohibits corporal punishment under any circumstances, whether at home or in school, making Tajikistan the 67th country in the world to officially ban such methods of upbringing.

As part of efforts to enhance control over the enforcement of the new legislation, Tajikistan's prosecution authorities identified 138 cases of preventing children from receiving mandatory general education in the first half of 2024.  Over 3,000 cases were also initiated for violations of the law "On Responsibility for the Education and Upbringing of Children."