Four documents on cooperation were signed on the results of Monday’s session of the Russian-Iranian commission on trade and economic cooperation.

A protocol, which determines key directions of cooperation between the two countries, was signed by co-chairmen of the commission – Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko and Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. In addition, the Russian Energy Ministry and the Iranian Petroleum Ministry signed an agreement on cooperation and two documents on cooperation in communications.

The co-chairmen of the inter-governmental commission summed up the results and highly assessed the work of experts. “It is a new step towards expanding partnership between Russia and Iran, and strengthening friendly relations the two countries. Both parties created a base for speedy modernisation of cooperation. Due to the existing drafts we are ready to discuss new key projects, including in the energy sector, transport and other fields,” Shmatko said.

According to Mottaki, Iran and Russia have broad prospects for developing mutually advantageous cooperation.

Among priority directions, the Iranian minister named interaction in ensuring security in the region, including in the Caspian region, Gazprom’ s participation in developing Iranian fields, in South Pars and North Azadegan, building transport corridors to transport goods to Russia via Southeast Asia. Mottaki also called for creating an organization of gas exporting countries, which would protect the interests of gas producers.