Russian media outlets reports that  according to an investigation by Austrian outlet eXXpress, almost half of all Ukrainian wheat and corn exports to the EU ended up feeding pigs in Spain to produce the world-famous, and very expensive, jamon.

RT reports that the Austrian outlet said on Monday an estimated 2.9 million tons of wheat and corn from Ukraine ended up in Spain, where it was used as animal feed.

RT says that according to eXXpress, only 15% of the exports ended up in the countries at risk of famine, including 167,000 tons in Ethiopia and 65,000 tons in Sudan.

“Spain paid more money – and Ukraine delivered,” the outlet said, according to RT.

In July, Russia and Ukraine signed what is known as the “grain deal” in order to allow export of grain from the Black Sea ports, with the aim of mitigating the world food crisis that hit poorer countries - such as those in Africa - particularly hard.

Sputnik International reports that the Turkish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Vahit Kirisci, stated in January that the share of grain provided to needy countries reached only 5.4 percent.

The grain agreement, signed on July 22, 2022 by Russia and Ukraine with participation of Turkey and the UN, provides for the export of wheat, food products and fertilizers via the Black Sea from three Ukrainian ports.