Interfax news agency reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin has noted that it is necessary to build relations with the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) because it controls Afghanistan being its current authority.

“Afghanistan has problems, they are undeniable and well-known to all.  The issue how to establish ties with the current power is another question. Yet they must be established somehow, these are the people who control the country and its territory, they are the current authority in Afghanistan,” the Russian leader told reporters in Uzbekistan’s capital, Tashkent, on Tuesday.    

"We need to proceed from reality and build relations accordingly," Putin explained.

However, the President of Russia added, “How to establish relations with the Taliban is another question, but we must somehow [maintain] relations with them.”

He referred to consultations with regional partners, including those in Central Asia, regarding relations with the Taliban, and said, “We take into account the opinions of each of our partners and friends and will coordinate on this issue.”

Recall, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Second Asian Department, Zamir Kabulov, told TASS in an interview on May 27 that the Russian Foreign and Justice Ministries have reported to President Vladimir Putin that the Taliban movement (banned in Russia) can be removed from the terror blacklist.  

According to him, this position has been supported by a number of government bodies.

Asked about the Foreign Ministry's position on this issue, he said that it was positive.  “This (removal of the Taliban from the list of banned organizations before its recognition - TASS) must be done.  Without this, it will be premature to talk about recognition. Therefore, work on this issue continues. All considerations have been reported to the top leadership of Russia. We are waiting for a decision," Kabulov added.