Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for the swift adoption of an updated concept of migration policy. According to him, this needs to be done within the current year. Interfax says he made this statement at the annual expanded meeting of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The Russian President emphasized that the Interior Ministry faces “serious tasks” in the field of migration.
“It is necessary to crack down on illegal migration channels and more actively use modern migration control tools,” he said, adding that the updated policy should include the elimination of the paper-based migration card. “These and other innovations should be reflected in the updated concept of the state migration policy, which needs to be adopted as soon as possible this year.”
However, authorities are not planning to abandon attracting foreigners to Russia, Tomsk-Online says.
“It is necessary to develop existing mechanisms for supporting the return of our compatriots to their homeland, as well as those foreigners who share our traditional values, wish to live and work in our country, and especially those who have the necessary qualifications, education, and are needed by our economy," Putin concluded.
Vladimir Putin reportedly also stressed the importance of preventing young people from being drawn into criminal activities, including drug trafficking and cybercrime.
He also urged a tough and swift response to manifestations of extremism and religious radicalism in Russia: "Militant radicalism is a threat to our sovereignty."
"The Interior Ministry, in cooperation with the FSB, the Federal Customs Service, and other relevant agencies, needs to step up efforts to identify drug dealers, curb drug trafficking, including cross-border smuggling, and improve mechanisms for combating aggressive drug advertising and online drug sales platforms," he urged.
The government's plan for implementing migration policy was developed in 2023 and is set to be completed this year. The document consists of six sections and 42 points.
Among the key measures are the development of an "adaptation course" for labor migrants, a guide on behavioral rules in the country, an increase in the number of foreign students in universities and colleges, and the expansion of electronic visa categories available to foreigners.