A presentation of the project, Critical Infrastructure to Contribute to Stability and Peace in Khorog, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO), was held last month in the hall of the executive body of the state authority of GBAO with participation of the Governor of GBAO, Mr. Yodgor Fayzov.    

According to press release issued by the European Union Delegation to Tajikistan, the project of EUR 1,800,000 (TJS 19,342,273.02) is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) and the Mountain Societies Development Support Programme (MSDSP) in close partnership with the local Government.

Implemented over the period of 18 months (October 1, 2019 -- March 31, 2021) the project aims to foster peace and stability in Khorog city by improving highly demanded public infrastructure and services, strengthening confidence in local authorities, and generating temporary employment opportunities through construction work.

Specific activities of the program are as follows:


-           Improvement of educational conditions for schoolchildren through the construction of the building of the secondary school #5 on Saidmir Abdurahmonov Street in Khorog;

-           Provision of access to sports centers for Khorog children and youth through the construction of six sports grounds in Khorog;

-           To provide the Bizmich settlement population with potable water through the construction of a potable water system and the connection of each farm to the water supply system through efficient meters for efficient water use;

-           Mitigation of the impact of natural disasters through the implementation of a small-scale shore protection project in Sharifobod neighborhood of Khorog;

-           Involvement of youth groups and project partners in various activities, such as coordination meetings, trainings, sports and cultural awareness on sanitation, provision of maintenance and sustainable management of established infrastructure that will enhance the impact of this project.


During the event, attendees discussed project activities, plans, potential challenges the project team might face and ways to overcome those challenges.  At the end of the workshop, Mr. Yodgor Fayzov congratulated everyone with the launch of the project and hoped for the continuation of strong collaboration between the local authority and AKDN agencies in promoting peace and stability and improving the quality of life of people in Khorog.  He also emphasized the importance of ownership of this project by the local government and community and requested government officials to support in time implementation of project activities in order to be able to achieve the project results within 18 months of the project’s life.