Tajik national air carrier, Tajik Air, has actually suspended it operations stopping flight practically on all air routes.  Experts say it can be ruled out that the company will be declared bankrupt out with further handover to private hands.

Tajik Air has been experiencing various problems for a long time but they showed up more sharply ahead of the New Year holidays, when the airlines began postponing flights for several days.  On January 1, the carrier announced it was cancelling flights on its Dushanbe-Moscow route until the end of January. Since then, the scale of Tajik Air’s troubles has only deepened, and the airline was forced to make changes to its flight schedule.  Tajik Air then sent its staff members on leave without pay.  He company justified this decision by saying that the staff members were on leave without pay “for the purpose of optimizing expenditures in these challenging times for the company.”  

A state commission was set up to investigate the current condition of the airline. The commission, which is presided over by Prime Minister Rasoul Qohirzoda, was due to hold a hearing on January 14, but that has been pushed back to January 21.

The national airline has experienced great financial difficulties since the end of the zero years.  Specialists of the airline say that in such conditions the carrier turned out to be due to high prices for jet fuel and the unstable economic situation.  They believe that only state support can save the airline from imminent bankruptcy.

In the summer 2018, the Tajik Government’s resolution created the Tajik Air Supervisory Board, headed by the Prime Minister Rasoul Qohirzoda.

On September 25, 2018, the government issued the resolution approving  the Special Program of State Support for Tajik Air Open Joint-Stock Company for 2018-2023 that was developed by the Supervisory Board.

The Program was reportedly aimed at developing the material and technical base and increasing competitiveness and financial and economic rehabilitation of Tajik Air.

The measures specified in the Program are planned to be implemented at the expense of the Government and state investment projects, as well as concessional long-term loans from international financial institutions.

Attached to the program is an Action Plan, which consists of 11 items.  One of the main points of the Action Plan is to instruct the State Committee on Investments and State-owned Property Management, the Civil Aviation Agency and the airline itself to draw up and submit proposals on attracting investments through the privatization of the Tajik Air stake.

It means that the government that owns all 100% of Tajik Air shares is ready to transfer the shares of the national air carrier to private hands.    

According to the Special Program, Soviet-era planes produced in 1969-1992 will be put up for sale in218 and 2019.  

At present, the Tajik Air’s production capacity is mainly composed of Soviet-made aircraft, such as TU-154M, TU-134 A-3, AN-24B, AN-26, AN-28, Yak-40 and MI-8 MTB helicopters.  The air carrier also has Boeing 767-322, Boeing 757-200, Boeing 737-300, Boeing 737-500 and MA-60 of Chinese production.

As of January 1 2018, the total number of the air company’s aircraft was 34, including 31 aircraft and three helicopters.  Of the total number of aircraft, only four ones are in good condition. Six of them are faulty, and 21 are in storage.  As regards the three helicopters, only one is operational.

Sources close to the airline say  Tajik Air will be declared bankrupt in the near future and its shares will be transferred to private hands.