Most countries in the Asian region are exposed to the risks of natural disasters. In this regard, one of the components of the project "Tajikistan-Afghanistan Poverty Reduction Initiative» (TAPRI), implemented by UNDP with financial support from the Government of Japan was to reduce the risk of natural disasters, that involved INGO "Mission East" into implementation.
"Tajikistan-Afghanistan Poverty Reduction Initiative» (TAPRI) covered many issues of economic development, but the objectives of the "Mission East" were to support the project in the area of disaster risk reduction. This was considered important, as Tajikistan and Afghanistan are the most vulnerable countries exposed to natural disasters. According to the World Risk Report, Afghanistan is rated 15 th and Tajikistan 73 rd among 269 countries on a risk scale in 2011. These two countries are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters and suffer from recurrent natural disasters.
The main objective of "Disaster Risk Reduction" component was to develop the capacity of communities in Afghanistan that are prone to natural disasters, such as floods, landslides, storms, rock falls, avalanches, etc.
In the framework of the initiative, "Mission East" in Tajikistan in close collaboration with the "Mission East» (ME) in Afghanistan conducted a series of events in Takhar province of Afghanistan, to share knowledge and experience in disaster risk reduction (DRR). The border areas most vulnerable to natural disasters were selected for the effective implementation of the tasks and continued cooperation with government agencies that deal with prevention and disaster management. Limited capacity in terms of technical resources, personnel and knowledge on DRR meant that local authorities were unable to take control over the process monitoring and management. In this regard, the emphasis was placed on the development of disaster risk management structures in the grassroots communities and capacity building in local communities.
According to Ms. Barbara James, Country Director, "Mission East" in Tajikistan, for example, a comparative assessment of the risks and the communities that were most exposed to natural disasters was conducted in target communities, Takhar province of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the capacity of those communities was identified who were aware and participated in their own disaster risk management initiative.
Last summer, "Mission East" conducted a study on risk assessment in 65 villages in Takhar province, according to the method developed by international NGOs in Tajikistan. According to "Mission East"’ staff, this was an ideal research tool for Afghanistan, as Tajik experience was taken as a basis, considering the similarity of the terrain and the potential risks of natural disasters. Language and cultural similarities made it easy to adapt it to local conditions in Afghanistan. Out of 65, there were 19 villages with an increased risk selected, as the population had no idea how to behave in emergency situations. Also, it should be noted that all the work was started from scratch and now, following the project completion, one can see the initial results. In other words, an in-depth evaluation of risks was conducted for all target groups, maps of dangerous sites were developed in each of the 20 villages, and also plans to eliminate disaster, residents of communities have been trained how to behave before, during and after disasters, as well as a complete package of information on community disaster risk management was developed. In addition, women had 2-day training on first aid in emergency situations.
The main emphasis was placed on the experience of Tajikistan in disaster risk reduction, because such risks were the same on both sides of the border, where the terrain and conditions were similar. In order to implement risk management initiatives, the Afghan communities were familiarized with the successful model of disaster risk management in communities of Tajikistan.
Partnership has also been established between local authorities and community structures responsible for disaster risk management. For example, during one of the seminars, Tajik experts informed the Afghan leaders and deputies how to develop a plan for disaster management in the villages and Yangikala Chahab. As a result, a small mitigation projects had been developed and supported, which included improved drainage, strengthening of river banks and mud dams, which were identified by the communities themselves to meet local needs.
Exchange visits provided opportunities for learning, monitoring and exchange of information, which were obtained in Tajikistan.
In particular, 5 groups (5-9 people in each group), which included members of community groups on disaster management and representatives of Afghan local governments were trained in Tajikistan, where they learned how to develop an evacuation plan. 12 communities have been equipped with safe route and warning signs for the population. Three roundtables were held in Kulyab under the project to share the achievements, problems and experiences with concerned Tajik and Afghan communities.
Currently, the work on the project sustainability is in progress: disaster risk reduction community groups have regular meetings, where they train and help villagers to be prepared for disaster, the studies are conducted, the film is produced about DRR and etc. The economic aspect of preparedness is a simple cost/benefit analysis to be taken into account.
Thanks to the involvement in a number of initiatives implemented in the Khatlon region of Tajikistan, the representatives of the Afghan community who participated in these events gained skills on how communities can manage the disaster risk prevention - said Ms. Barbara James.
- Before the TAPRI project implementation, none of these concepts had been taken into consideration, and now the situation is different.
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