
Талибы заявили о захвате всей территории Афганистана. Президент Афганистана Ашраф Гани покинул Афганистан, в Панджере организован Фронт сопротивления под руководством сына Ахмад шаха Масуда - Ахмада Масуда.

Additional uncaught exception thrown while handling exception.


PDOException: SQLSTATE[57P01]: Admin shutdown: 7 FATAL: terminating connection due to administrator command CONTEXT: SQL function "to_timestamp" during startup SQL statement "SELECT ( select format('/%s/news%s/%s/%s', prefix, case when rubric_parent='' then ('/' || rubric) else ('/' || rubric_parent || '/' || rubric) end, to_char(ncreated,'YYYYMMDD'), menu_name ) from ( select coalesce(l.prefix,n.language) prefix, to_timestamp(n.created) ncreated, coalesce(pmnr.field_menu_name_value,case when th.parent=0 then '' else th.parent::varchar end,'') rubric_parent, coalesce(mnr.field_menu_name_value,td.tid::varchar,'') rubric, coalesce(mn.field_menu_name_value,n.nid::varchar) menu_name from node n left join languages l on l.language=n.language left join field_data_field_menu_name mn on mn.entity_id=n.nid and mn.bundle=n.type inner join field_data_field_rubric r on r.entity_id=mn.entity_id and r.bundle='article' inner join taxonomy_term_data td on td.tid=r.field_rubric_tid left join field_data_field_menu_name mnr on mnr.entity_id=td.tid and mnr.bundle='rubrics' inner join taxonomy_term_hierarchy th on th.tid=td.tid left join field_data_field_menu_name pmnr on pmnr.entity_id=th.parent and pmnr.bundle='rubrics' where n.nid=p_nid and n.type='article' ) m)" PL/pgSQL function api.get_article_path(bigint) line 4 at assignment PL/pgSQL function api.get_story_articles(bigint,integer,integer,character varying) line 26 at RETURN QUERY SSL connection has been closed unexpectedly: select * from api.get_story_articles(:nid,:page,:per_page); Array ( [:nid] => 301399 [:page] => 4 [:per_page] => 20 ) in ap_utils_get_story_articles_data() (line 223 of /var/www/asia-dev/sites/all/modules/asiaplus/asiaplus_utils/lists.inc.php).


PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 7 no connection to the server: SELECT column_name, data_type, column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = :schema AND table_name = :table AND (data_type = 'bytea' OR (numeric_precision IS NOT NULL AND column_default LIKE :default)); Array ( [:schema] => public [:table] => watchdog [:default] => %nextval% ) in dblog_watchdog() (line 163 of /var/www/asia-dev/modules/dblog/dblog.module).