DUSHANBE, April 17, Asia-Plus -- The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) will provide US$159,000 to Tajikistan’s Islamic University named after Imam Tirmizi for completing the construction of women’s madrasa in Dushanbe.

These funds will be provided under decision by the Board of Executive Directors of the Islamic Development Bank to approve US$365 million for various development projects as well as grants and special assistance projects.  

The Board of Executive Directors of the Islamic Development Bank, which concluded its 237 th session at the Bank''s Headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on April 10 after two days of deliberations, approved an amount totaling US$ 356 million for project financing and trade operations.  Dr Ahmed Mohammed Ali, IDP President, who chaired stated that the Board approvals included new development projects in Indonesia, Lebanon, Niger and Morocco. The Board approved assistance grants to five Muslim Communities in nonmember countries in India, USA, Malawi, Mauritius and Russia, in addition to educational grants to Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Somalia.

  According to information from Imam Tirmizi University, the construction of the women’s madrasa started in Dushanbe in the Nineties already but it was suspended for lack of funds.  “Now the madrasa should be finished by the beginning of a new academic year in September this year,” said the source, “The new two-storied building of the madras will accommodate up to 200 women.”