DUSHANBE , April 26, Asia-Plus - A conference to commemorate victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster was held in Dushanbe today.

Participants of the conference staged by the “ Tajikistan ’s Soyuz Chernobyl” Public Association included 260 participants of the cleanup operation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant station from all regions of the country. 

We will recall that Tajik authorities have provided 40,000 Somonis for holding events in all regions of the country to commemorate victims of radiation accidents and disasters.

According to the “Tajikistan’s Soyuz Chernobyl” Public Association head Faridun Hakimov, 180 spouses of those who died in that cleanup operation today received extraordinary grant of 50 Somonis each.           

At present 2,180 people who participated in the cleanup operation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant have to date been registered with the “ Tajikistan ’s Soyuz Chernobyl” Public Association.  Of them, 1,250 people are invalids.  Besides, 1,500 children of Tajik participants of the cleanup operation are invalids. 

4,500 people from Tajikistan participated in the cleanup operation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986.