Amount of cas in irculation fell by 1.8% to 701.6 billion KZT, National Bank reported on March 25.

Monetary base in a month increased by 10.8% to 2.25 trillion KZT.

M1 Indicator (cash in circulation and transferable deposits in KZT) increased in February by 12.7% from 2 to 2.26 trillion KZT due to increased transferable deposits of corporate bodies other than banks from 1.2 to 1.43 trillion KZT.

M2 Indicator (cash, deposits in KZT and transferable deposits in foreign currency) increased by6.4% to 4.5 trillion KZT.

Money supply increased in a month by 13.6% to 6.8 trillion KZT.

Monetary base increased in January by 38% from 1.47 to 2.03 trillion KZT.