Price of tin bread increased more than 15% since July 1 and of sugar sand - 20%.

Loaf of bread costs 350 sums since July 1 ($0.23), loaf of white bread of first grade - 470 sums ($0.31). At the same time sugar became more expensive from 1500 sums to 1800 sums ($1.21).

One the same day tariff for electricity increased more than 4% to 64.8 sums for 1 kW/h ($0.04).

President''s decree on increasing salaries of state employees is being prepared, source in Legislative Chamber reported. Increase of salaries of state employees, pensions, and students scholarships in Uzbekistan means, as a rule, increase of prices for petrol oil, public transportation fare, public facilities, and basic food products, prices for which are regulated by the government.

At the same time, as soon as it becomes known about increase of state employees'' salaries, prices on food markets increase. Increase of prices in this case exceeds raise in salaries of state employees 10-12%.