DUSHANBE , May 31, Asia-Plus - A seminar to discuss issues related to development of tourism ad relevant industries in Tajikistan will be held Dushanbe on June 1.  

Ulughbek Rahimov, leading specialist with the tourism department of the Ministry of Economy and Trade, has told Asia-Plus that the seminar participants include representatives from tourism companies active in the republic. 

The seminar is aiming to consider issues of sustainable development and management of tourism in Tajikistan .  Participants in the seminar also will share opinions and experience in developing tourism operators in the republic.    

According to information from the Ministry of Economy and Trade, at present more than 70 tourism companies are operating in Tajikistan .  Mr. Rahimov also noted that last year more than 14,000 foreign tourists from Europe , Asia an America visited Tajikistan .  “This year, it is expected that number of foreign tourists to visit Tajikistan will increase 1? times compared to 2005,” Ulughbek Rahimov said.    

“To attract more tourists to the country it is necessary to resolve many problems, including enhancement of legal foundation of development of tourism that would comply with international standards,” Mr. Rahimov said.