DUSHANBE, June 1, Asia-Plus - Republican Endocrinology Center has received 57,000 flasks of insulin.  The donation has been made by the “HOPE” project for diabetes-sufferers in Tajikistan.

Ms. Salomat Qosimova, the head of the Republican Endocrinology Center, has told Asia-Plus that this assistance makes an annual ration of this expensive medicine for all patients registered with the Center.  At present the medicine is being distributing to the regions.   

It is to be noted that over the past several years, medicinal preparations for diabetes-sufferers have come to Tajikistan mainly due to international assistance.  One flask containing 1,000 units of insulin costs US$26.00.  One diabetes-sufferer needs on average 40 units a day.

To date, 13,200 diabetes-sufferers have officially been registered in Tajikistan, according to Ms. Qosimova.  Of them, 358 are children.  

The study the actual picture of the diabetes rate in Tajikistan is supposed to create a database (state register of diabetes-sufferer).