DUSHANBE , June 7, Asia-Plus -- “Amonatbonk” ( Tajikistan ’s savings bank) has introduced new types of deposits -- “Jubilee” and “Overseas Fellow-Countryman”. 

Mr. Sirojiddin Ikromov, the head of the “Amonatbonk” savings and securities department, has told Asia-Plus that the new types of deposits are introduced for the purpose of helping Tajiks working outside the country keep their savings.  Deposits are received in the foreign currency only, according to the source.   

Mr. Ikromov says that the first installment on opening of the deposit should be not less than US$5.00, 100 Russian rubles or Euro 5.00.   

Depending on a fixed term of deposits an annual interest on these deposits will be the following: 6 percent for the period from 3 to 6 months; 8 percent for the period from 6 to 12 months and 14 percent for the deposits opened for two years.   

The “Jubilee” deposit, for example, may be opened ahead of celebrating any jubilee date marked in the republic, according to Ikromov.     

Thus, including these new types of deposits, Tajikistan ’s savings bank now offers 12 types of deposits to its clients.