DUSHANBE, September 14, Asia-Plus - A joint counterterrorism for Tajik and Chinese servicemen, dubbed “Interaction 2006”, will be conducted in southern Tajikistan from September 21-23, according to information from the Ministry of Defense.

A source in the MoD said the purpose of this three-day exercise held at the Mumirak military range, some four kilometers of Kulob, is to rehearse cooperation and interaction in preparing and carrying out counterterrorism operations.   The exercise is supposed to involve 500 troops (250 troops from each of the side) supported by combined artillery battalion and Tajik combat helicopters and aircraft, according to the source. 

The war game will be conducted in two stages.  The first stage will include working out issues of preparation and interaction between the forces of the two countries.  The final stage of the exercise will include joint counterterrorism operation at the Mumirak military range.  The exercise scenario is based on discovering and eliminating terrorist groups.  

The MoD source says Tajik flag officers will be in overall command of the upcoming exercise. 

The joint Tajik-Chinese war game in southern Tajikistan will be conducted within the framework of the Shanghai Convention on the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism as well as a plan of military and military-technical cooperation between the defense ministries of Tajikistan and China for 2006.