Members of four families, totaling thirteen people, were killed in in two villages, which are subordinate to the city of Konibodom in the northern province of Sughd in two months – from late March to late May. The incidents have frightened the residents, leading some of them to lock their homes and temporarily move to relatives in other districts.
Asia-Plus news agency’s reporter visited the village of Sandjidzor on May 31 and June 3 to understand the situation. On both visits, most of the village yards were found empty, homes locked, and the remaining residents were visibly scared.

The first murder occurred at the end of March, when five members of the Sharipov family (including two grandchildren born in 2014 and 2016) were killed. Initially, authorities announced that a 65-year-old man killed his wife, daughter-in-law, and two minor grandchildren before committing suicide. However, the investigation later concluded that the head of the family had been hanged to mislead investigators, indicating that the murderer or murderers were still at large. The investigation is ongoing.
On the night of April 16-17, the bodies of a husband and wife (whose names have not been disclosed) were found with signs of violent death in the Ghafourjon Ortiqov jamoat of Konibodom city. The cause of the murder and the murderer remain unknown.
The latest incident occurred on the night of May 28-29, when six people from two different families – the Ahmadovs (including minors) and the Ibragimovs – were killed.
The 38-year0old Mahbouba Ahmadova, her 16-year-old daughter Nozanin and 14-year-old son Damirjon were found dead in the home on May 30.
According to preliminary information from law enforcement agencies, all the victims were strangled.
Law enforcement agencies are not providing details about the brutal murders of the families in Konibodom.
Akbar Sharipov, a spokesman for the Sughd police department, confirmed the facts of the murders in a conversation with Asia-Plus news agency but he refrained from giving further details “to avoid hindering the investigations.”
Residents of Sandjidzor and surrounding villages have been losing sleep at night after the series of murders. Their adult children, who are migrant workers, are constantly in touch with them, also concerned about the situation.
The 71-year-old resident of the village of Jahonzeb, Abdusalom Abdurahmonov, told Asia-Plus that in some neighborhoods where there are no men, volunteers patrol the area to provide a sense of security. Typically, these are 2-4 men from the village.

All eyes are on the authorities, as people await the resolution of these horrific atrocities and the imprisonment of the murderers.