DUSHANBE, November 13, Asia-Plus -- At the request of Tajikistan’s Ministry of Health (MoH) an international HOPE Project has provided 75,000 flask of insulin, which is a 12-month ration for Tajikistan, a source at the MoH said. 

According to official statistics, 13,070 people in Tajikistan have diabetes.  Of them, 236 are children.  “However, a real number of diabetes sufferers in the country may be higher than the state figure because not all persons having diabetes have been registered with the country’s diabetes associations,” the MoH source noted.  Many people have yet to be diagnosed because diabetes is a silent disease, according to him.

The MoH source said that a national program for combating diabetes planned for 2006-2010 plays an important role in resolving this health-social problem.  This program aimed at providing support to diabetes sufferers includes raising diabetes awareness among the population and improving professionalism of medical workers dealing with this disease.  

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that more than 190 million people are suffering from diabetes globally and this number is expected to reach more than 230 million by 2010, and 300 million by 2025. 

Diabetes and its numerous complications are extremely burdensome on the health and economies of countries worldwide.  In high-income countries, for instance, treatment of diabetic foot complications accounts for 15-25% of total healthcare resources for diabetes.  This is an enormous waste not only of scarce public health resources but also of healthy lives.  It is estimated that with basic diabetes management and care, up to 80% of all diabetic foot amputations can be prevented.

World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign for diabetes.  While the themed campaigns last the whole year, the day itself is celebrated each year on November 14.