DUSHANBE, January 20, Asia-Plus -- Tajikistan is for expanding mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries, the First foreign Minister, Saymoumin Yatimov, told journalists in Dushanbe Friday, January 19.  

According to him, relations between Tajikistan and the United States continued to expand last year.  The MFA official said that political consultations between the two countries on further expansion cooperation are under way.

Yatimov noted that the bridge across the Panj River in Khatlon to link Tajik Panji Poyon to Afghan Sherkhon-Bandar is scheduled to have been put into operation this year.  The bridge will enhance economic and commercial opportunities for both Tajikistan and Afghanistan and the regional economic cooperation as a whole, the deputy minister aid.  

On Tajikistan’s relations with Iran, Yatimov noted that Tajik-Iranian relations last year showed an upward tendency.  “Our cooperation has good prospects, especially in the economic sphere,” he said, noting that regular contacts between the leaders of the two states and active participation of Iranian capital in implementation of important economic projects in Tajikistan are evidence of this.  

Yatimov added that the Tajik government will continue a balanced foreign policy for the purpose of providing the country’s national security, raising its prestige on international arena and strengthening economic potentials.   

According to the Tajik MFA, at present 16 diplomatic missions and some 100 international organizations are active in Tajikistan.  Tajikistan has to date established diplomatic relations with 112 countries throughout the world.  Tajikistan now has 22 its embassies, permanent representative offices and consulates abroad.      

In 2006, more than 70 foreign delegations of different levels visited Tajikistan.