DUSHANBE, March 5, Asia-Plus  -- A Tajikistan-Ukraine plan of actions is expected to be signed during an official visit of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko to Tajikistan scheduled for March 6-7.    

According to Ukrainian mass media, Ms. Irina Vannikova, a spokeswoman for the Ukrainian president, noted on March 4 that this document is a roadmap of development of bilateral relations between the two countries in different fields.

Besides, Tajik and Ukrainian heads of state also intend to sign a joint statement, which will reflect the main agreements that will be reached during the visit.

“The main purpose of the visit is to demonstrate readiness of Ukraine to participate in development of main branches of Tajikistan’s economy, including hydropower and aluminum production,” the spokeswoman said.

She added that the previous agreements on Tajik President Emomali Rahmon’s visit to Ukraine would be confirmed during negotiations.  The side will also discuss issues related to opening of the embassy of Ukraine in Dushanbe and the Tajik Embassy in Kiev.  

Today Yushchenko will go to Kazakhstan and from there he will go to Tajikistan tomorrow, Vannikova said.  

            As it had been reported earlier, during his visit to Tajikistan, President Yushchenko is scheduled to hold talks with President Rahmon, Prime Minister Oqil Oqilov and Chairman of the Majlisi Namoyandagon (Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament) Saydullo Khairulloyev, as well as visit the Norak hydroelectric power stations and see the sites of Sangtuda-1 and Sagntuda-2 hydropower plants.