DUSHANBE, March 14, Asia-Plus  - On Thursday March 13, President Emomali Rahmon met with Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah al-Thani in Dakar, Senegal on sidelines of the 11th summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), presidential press service said. 

In the course of the talks, the two discussed a progress of implementation of agreements that had been reached between Tajikistan and Qatar during mutual visits of the heads of state.   They, in particular, considered issues related to holding of the fist meeting of the Tajik-Qatari commission for economic and trade cooperation, which is supposed to be held in Dushanbe this year.

Emomali Rahmon and Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah al-Thani also considered the possibility of participation of Qatar in an international consortium for completing the construction of the Roghun hydroelectric power station (HPS) in Tajikistan, opening of the Tajik embassy in Doha and the Qatari embassy in Dushanbe, as well as the possibility of participation of Qatar in construction of a new aluminum smelter in Tajikistan and development of Tajik natural resources.  

The heads of state noted that opening of aerial communication between Dushanbe and Doha, construction of a large mosque and residential buildings in Dushanbe under financial support of Qatar, as well as launch of joint ventures on processing farm produce could be important steps at the first stage of bilateral economic cooperation, the presidential press service said.   

During the meeting, they also exchanged views on issues discussed the OIC summit and underlined the importance of interaction and cooperation among the Islamic countries.