Natural disasters caused by torrential rain and thunderstorms on June 23 killed three people in Tajikistan, according to the Emergencies Committee under the Government of Tajikistan.    

Two young men, aged 18 and 20, were killed by lighting in an area near Solimolidasht village in Baljuvon district of Khatlon province when collecting grass for cattle.     

The second fatal natural disaster was reported in Roudaki jamoat, which is subordinate to the city of Panjakent in Sughd province.  A torrential rain reportedly caused a mudflow that killed a 22-year-old woman from Shashkad village.  

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Torrential rain on Sunday also caused mudflows in Lakhsh (Rasht Valley in eastern Tajikistan), Shamsiddin-Shohin (Khatlon province) and Shahriston (Sughd province) districts that temporarily blocked roads.  

Recall, lightning on June 13 struck a herd of small cattle in Sangvor district (Rasht Valley eastern Tajikistan), killing a shepherd and 200 head of sheep and goats.  The tragedy took place at 02:46 am in the summer pasture located in Karashura area bordering Lakhsh district, where three shepherds from Dousti district of Khatlon province were herding small cattle.  An official source within the Emergencies Committee said they have not heard about such numbers killed by lightning strikes before.

The Emergencies Committee once again asks residents and guest of Tajikistan to follow safety rules in mountains.