The Government of Tajikistan has instructed the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Science to discuss and endorse the list of the state higher educational institutions having military departments (faculties).
The list of nine state higher educational institutions having military department (faculties) is posted on the Justice Ministry’s website for legal information:
- Tajik National University;
- Tajik Technical University named after Muhammad Osimi;
- Tajik Agricultural University named after Shirinsho Shotemur;
- Tajik State Medical University named after Abu Ali ibn Sino;
- Danghara-based Khatlon State Medical University;
- Danghara State University;
- Tajik Institute of Physical Training and Sports name after Saidmumin Rahimov. This institute has the basic military training faculty;;
- The Institute of Energy of Tajikistan;
- The International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan.
It to be noted that under amendments that were made to the country’s law on military service in early 2021 and came into effect on February 4, 2021, university students and undergraduate also graduates of universities having military department are drafted into the army for one year.
Some experts consider that interest in higher education decreased in Tajikistan after the adoption of the military service law in new edition.