A grant signing ceremony for seven new projects under Japan’s scheme of “Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP)” took place at the Embassy of Japan in Dushanbe on February 27.
The grant contracts were reportedly signed by Mr. Hajime Kitaoka, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Tajikistan, and representatives of the grantee organizations. The total grant of Government of Japan for the projects amounts to USD 558,045, according to Japan’s Embassy.
The new projects signed are;
- “The Project for Provision of Drinking Water in Abdulvosiyev Jamoat, Rushan District”, signed with Mr. Farrukh Dodkhudoyev, Chairperson of Rushan District, for the amount of USD 89,270;
- “The Project for Construction of School No.11 in Rajabov Village, Navobod Jamoat, Tursunzoda City”, signed with Mr. Abduqodir Valizoda, Chairperson of Tursunzoda City, for the amount of USD 89,250;
- “The Project for Construction of Women’s Center in Tojikobod District”, signed with Mr. Homidullo Mahmadzoda, Chairperson of Tojikobod District, for the amount of USD 89,285;
- “The Project for Construction of Regional Hospital in Gozho Berdibaev Jamoat, Murgab District”, signed with Mr. Murzabay Joshbayev, Chairperson of Murgab District, for the amount of USD 89,250;
- “The Project for Construction of Irrigation Canal in Khudgifi Soya Village, Ivan-Tojik Jamoat, Kuhistoni Mastchoh District”, signed with Mr. Muhammadjobir rajabzoda, Chairperson of Kuhistoni Mastchoh District, for the amount of USD 89,250;
- “The Project for Provision of Agricultural Machinery in Ghafor Mirzo Jamoat, Khovaling District”, signed with Mr. Parviz Akramzoda, Chairperson of Khovaling District, for the amount of USD 89,280;
- “The Project for Provision of Equipment to Education Center for Adults in Asht District”, signed with Ms. Noriniso Mayusupova, Head of Education Center for Adults in Asht District, for the amount of USD 22,460.

During the ceremony, Mr. Hajime Kitaoka wished the beneficiary organizations successful implementation of their projects. While affirming the friendly relationship between Tajikistan and Japan, Mr. Kitaoka emphasized Japan’s firm commitment to support Tajik people from human security perspective as well as the importance of implementing socioeconomic development projects that will lead to upliftment of the living conditions in rural areas. Embracing the occasion, the grant recipients explained the significance of their projects and expressed gratitude to the Government and the people of Japan.
Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGP) is provided to local governments, educational/ medical institutions and International NGOs in addressing development needs in the areas such as education, health, water supply and the environment. GGP supports projects in the human security sectors at the grassroots level. As of today, GGP has supported 401 projects in the Republic of Tajikistan, for which more than US$ 32.4 million has been provided since 1996.