A forum of representatives of business communities of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan took place in Dushanbe on April 4 on the sidelines of an official visit of the National Leader of the people of Turkmenistan, Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, to Tajikistan, the press center of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tajikistan (CCI) reports.

The event that took place at the National Library of Tajikistan reportedly brought together senior representatives of a number of Tajik and Turkmen companies.  

Inaugurating the forum, Tajikistan CCI head Jamshed Jumakhonzoda and Turkmenistan’s Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Nokergul Ataguliyev expressed confidence that such events contribute to the expansion of economic ties and cooperation between the entrepreneurs of the two countries.    

The CCI press center says the parties signed five cooperation agreements.

Thus, Tajikistan’s Qolinhoi Dushanbe (Carpets of Dushanbe) signed a cooperation agreement with Turkmenistan’s Polat Dokma we Sowda (production of knitted fabrics and carpet yarn), Turkmen Meret Meredsov signed a cooperation agreement with Tajikistan’s Nouri Idris Ltd, Turkmenistan’s Tajir Yoli (production and export of automobile filters) signed a cooperation agreement with Tajik entrepreneur Shuhrat Nazarov, Turkmenistan’s Hasar Company (the largest confectionery manufacturer in Turkmenistan) signed a cooperation agreement with Tajikistan’s Faizi Khurshed Ltd, and Turkmen entrepreneur Rahim Begjanov signed a cooperation agreement with Tajikistan Yoqout-2000.     

The forum participants reportedly also discussed opportunities of investment in Tajikistan’s economy and some other issues related to trade and economic cooperation between Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. 

According to some source, the bilateral trade between Tajikistan and Turkmenistan last year valued at more than 40 million US dollars.