A meeting of the Board of the State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy (Committee) took place on July 10 to review the results of work carried out over the first six months of this year and discuss tasks set for the second half of the year. 

The Committee press center says 7,330 cases of land law violations have been identified in January-June this year, resulting in 6,588 orders issued to address these infractions.


Statistics and enforcement

  • Administrative cases prepared: 6,634;
  • Total fines: 3,992,371 somonis;
  • Cases referred to prosecution: 656;
  • Cases sent to enforcement service: 378 for forced collection of fines;
  • Violations rectified on site: 5,188 (70%).


Preventative measures and inspections

The Committee highlighted that inspections were conducted in 40 cities and districts across the country to prevent and address land law violations.


Increase in violations

The head of the State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy, Orif Khojazoda, noted that two years ago, there were approximately 37 land law violations being detected in the country daily.  This number has now increased to 40.

Khojazoda stated, "Land disputes have become the number one issue today.  We are dismissing and punishing dishonest employees.  On the other hand, there is a shortage of honest and competent staff."

The increase in daily land law violations in Tajikistan underscores the need for strengthened enforcement and preventive measures. The State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy is actively working to address these challenges through inspections, administrative actions, and collaboration with other legal entities. However, the shortage of qualified personnel remains a significant obstacle that needs to be addressed to improve compliance and management of land resources in the country.