The press center of the Ministry of Transport says it was revealed at the latest meeting of experts from Tajikistan and South Korea, where preparations for the construction of the metro were discussed.

The meeting that took place in Dushanbe on September 27 was attended by Tajikistan's Minister of Transport, Azim Ibrohim; Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Zavqi Zavqizoda; Deputy Mayor of Dushanbe, Firdavs Saidzoda; and the General Manager of the Korean National Railway, Bang Mundjin (as pronounced).

During the meeting Azim Ibrohim reportedly emphasized that the need for a metro arises from the growing population of the capital and the increasing number of vehicles.

Ibrohim says the metro will help reduce traffic congestion in Dushanbe

According to him, the metro will help reduce traffic congestion in Dushanbe.  "According to preliminary conclusions, considering the constant influx of cars into the city, it makes sense to build an underground metro," he said, stressing the Ministry of Transport's readiness to strengthen cooperation with Korean partners and implement the project in stages.

He also noted that the construction of an underground metro is included in the Dushanbe’s municipal redevelopment plan.  However, specific locations for construction and the start date of work have not yet been disclosed.

Meanwhile, an official source within the Dushanbe Administration told Asia-Plus in late January of 2019 that the first overhead line that will connect Dushanbe’s Southern Gate and Guliston (Circus area) is expected to be introduced into operation in 2040.

“At first, an overhead line connecting the Southern Gate of Dushanbe and Guliston (Circus area) will be constructed and then construction of underground lines will begin,” the source noted. 

On March 12, 2022, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the potential construction of the metro in Dushanbe was signed between Tajikistan’s Ministry of Transport and the Korean National Railway Corporation.  Based on this document, experts from both countries analyzed the organizational and legal aspects of the project.

In August 2023, Tajikistan’s Ministry of Transport signed a MoU with the Export-Import Bank of South Korea, which agreed to finance not only preliminary exploratory work but also the detailed design of the project.  The South Korean bank will provide $200,000 for preliminary work.

A permanent working group consisting of representatives from Tajikistan’s Ministry of Transport, Dushanbe Administration and the Korean National Railway Corporation has been established to discuss metro construction issues. This group has held 17 meetings to date.