Tajikistan’s Ambassador to Russia, Imomuddin Sattorov, demands a thorough investigation into brutal beating of Tajik labor migrant in Moscow.
A 22-year-old resident of Khatlon’s Jomi district, Akbarjon Kholiqov, got to the intensive care unit on April after the deputy head of the State Budgetary Institution (SBI) Zhilishchink in Moscow’s Koptev district, Andrei Tretyakov, brutally beat him and threw him off the second floor.
Akbarjon worked as janitor for Zhilishchink.
The incident took place on April 1, at around 1:00 pm. Tretyakov was reportedly angry that three janitors prayed in the dormitory of the enterprise. He began cursing, and when Akbarjon asked him to stop cursing, Tretyakov began beating him. Tretyakov hit his head against the wall several times and then threw him off the second floor.
Akbarjon Kholiqov was taken to the Botkin Clinical Hospital. He is currently in an intensive care unit.
Tretyakov has been detained but no criminal proceedings have been instituted against him because other janitors were scared to testify against Tretyakov.
Even deputy chief of the police station in Moscow’s Koptev district begged janitors to go to the police and testify in that case. He promised them that no one can do anything to them because they have patents and work legally. However, many of them said that they had not seen anything.
According to policemen, Tretyakov openly adheres to nationalist and anti-immigrant views.
The Tajik Embassy in Moscow had demanded a thorough investigation into the incident.
Tajik human rights activist Bakhtovar Jumazoda says that criminal proceedings can be instituted against Tretyakov under the provision of Article 111 of Russia’s Penal Code (intentional grievous bodily harm) if the victim or his relatives demand.