Resident of the Danghara district in the Khatlon province, Azizullo Abdulloyev has been jailed for raping his daughter, according to the press center of the Prosecutor-General’s Office.

A court in Danghara has sentenced Azizullo Abdulloyev to 25 years in prison.  He will serve his term in a high-security penal colony.

It is to be noted that Abdulloyev committed the offence against his biological daughter three years ago, when she was 16, but he was punished only now.

The Prosecutor-General’s Office does not clarify why the verdict was passed on him only now.  

It is to be noted that minors in Tajikistan are vulnerable not only in terms of sexual violence, but also to many other forms of abuse – the protection of their rights is still far from great.  One of the serious problems in the protection of the rights of minors subjected to sexual violence is the intention of the society to leave such cases in silence.